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    Evaluaci贸n de las caracter铆sticas de estudios de neuroimagen del glioblastoma en relaci贸n con el receptor de andr贸genos.

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    Introducci贸n: El glioblastoma es el tumor primario m谩s com煤n del sistema nervioso central. Una mayor actividad del receptor de andr贸genos se ha asociado previamente con un peor pron贸stico de este tumor, pero no se ha establecido una relaci贸n entre la actividad del receptor de andr贸genos (RA) y las caracter铆sticas de imagen. Objetivo: Identificar la relaci贸n entre la expresi贸n y actividad del RA en el tejido del glioblastoma y las caracter铆sticas de la resonancia magn茅tica (RM) prequir煤rgica. Material y m茅todos: Para este estudio se utilizaron datos de The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) y The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA). Solo se seleccionaron pacientes con datos de prote铆nas y RM prequir煤rgica. Los datos de ambas bases de datos se combinaron y analizaron estad铆sticamente. Los vol煤menes de realce tumoral, necrosis y edema T2/FLAIR se estimaron utilizando la plataforma en l铆nea OncoHabitats, que utiliza redes neuronales convolucionales de aprendizaje profundo. La actividad RA se determin贸 calculando el AR-score, un 铆ndice calculado mediante el uso de la expresi贸n (a nivel de ARN) de 13 genes de respuesta a andr贸genos, que se ha validado previamente en otras l铆neas celulares cancerosas. Se realiz贸 un an谩lisis comparativo entre pacientes con AR-score alto o bajo (utilizando p50 como umbral). Se realizaron an谩lisis bivariados de correlaci贸n y supervivencia. Resultados: Se incluyeron 47 pacientes (22 mujeres; edad media 55,5 a帽os [DE = 14,32]). Los pacientes con AR-score m谩s alto presentaron peor SG que aquellos con AR-score bajo (15,87 vs. 29,63 meses; p= 0,004). El an谩lisis de regresi贸n lineal mostr贸 una relaci贸n negativa entre el AR-score y el volumen de necrosis (Beta=-0,411; p = 0,03). Ninguna otra caracter铆stica de imagen se asoci贸 con el AR-score. No se encontr贸 asociaci贸n entre la expresi贸n de RA y los vol煤menes tumorales. Conclusi贸n: Existe una relaci贸n negativa entre el volumen de necrosis y la actividad de RA. Ning煤n otro volumen tumoral muestra asociaci贸n ni con expresi贸n RA ni actividad RA.Background: Glioblastoma is the most common primary tumor of the central nervous system. A higher androgen receptor activity has been previously associated with a worse prognosis of this tumor, but no relationship has been established between the androgen receptor (AR) activity and imaging features. Aim: The aim of the present work is to identify any relationship between the androgen receptor expression and activity in glioblastoma tissue and the presurgical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features. Methods: Data from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA) were used for this study. Only patients with protein data and presurgical MRI were selected. Data from both databases was combined and statistically analyzed. Contrast-enhanced tumor, necrosis and T2/FLAIR edema volumes were estimated using the online platform OncoHabitats, that uses deep learning convolutional neural networks. The AR-activity was determined by calculating the AR-score, an index calculated by using the expression (at RNAlevel) of 13 androgen-responsive-genes, which has been previously validated in other cancer cell lines. Comparative analysis between patients with high or low AR-score (using p50 as threshold) was performed. Bivariate correlation and survival analysis were done. Results: Forty-seven patients (22 women; mean age 55.5 years [SD=14.32]) were included in the study. Patients with higher AR-score presented a worse OS than those with low AR-score (15.5 vs. 29.6 months; p=0.017). Linear regression analysis showed a negative relationship between the AR-score and the necrosis volume (Beta=-0.411; p=0.03). No other imaging feature was associated with the AR-score. No association between AR expression and tumoral volumes was found. Conclusion: There is a negative relationship between necrosis volume and AR activity. No other tumor volume shows association nor with AR expression neither AR activit